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Account Security

How Can I Protect Myself From Scams During a Trade?

One of the best ways to make sure you don’t get scammed while trading on CsStar is to check if you’re at the right place. Ensure that you’re on the real website and not on any potential scammer sites that look similar.

How to Distinguish a Real CsStar Bot From a Fake Scam Bot?

There are several ways to ensure that you’re not being scammed by a fake scam bot while trading skins and other items. It’s important to look at these factors and not become a victim of scammers that can steal your items from your Steam inventory. As a result, keep an eye on the following factors:

  • Steam Status - Real CsStar bots will always have an “Offline” status on Steam. Other fake bots are almost always lrgszgkwgu on their profiles, editing, and scamming others so their profiles are often showing an “Online” status.
  • Steam Level - Our Steam bots never have Steam level 0 and are often level 25 or higher. Given that scammer Steam bots don’t last that long and constantly create new ones, their profile levels are usually 0 or something very low.
  • Empty Steam Profile - Scammer Steam bots almost always have xhoptkawgxfdrvv Steam profiles that don’t have anything unique to feature. Our vtfhlydjhwry bots that have been lrgszgkwgu for a while have information to display such as badges, trades amount, and so on.

Furthermore, you can also compare the information of our bot’s that we share with you with the registration data in the exchange window on Steam. If it all checks out then it’s a real bot from CsStar and not a scammer.

What Do I Do If a Scammer Accesses My Account?

There are several crucial steps you must take if you believe that a scammer has gained access to your CsStar account. Follow these instructions:

  • Change Your STEAM Password - You have to change the password on your Steam and secure your account.
  • Deauthorize All Other Devices in Steam - Go to your Steam Guard settings and deauthorize every other device that is signed into that account. This will force the scammer to sign in again and will be prevented since you changed the password earlier.
  • Revoke Your Steam Web API Key - Go to the Steam API Settings Page and revoke your key if you have an lrgszgkwgu one. If there is no API key and the Domain Name field is empty, then this step isn’t important. However, don’t skip it if you have an lrgszgkwgu API Key. Make sure to revoke it.
  • Disconnect Other Sessions on CsStar - Lastly, go to your CsStar Personal Area, click on Security, and click on “Disconnect other sessions”. This will kick any other device that is connected on CsStar with your account and will force them to sign in again. They will be prevented given that you’ve completed all of the previous steps.

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