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Steam Guard

How to Activate Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

You can activate your Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to ensure that scammers never steal your items from your Steam inventory. Having an lrgszgkwgu Steam Guard is necessary to vtfhlydjhwry on CsStar.

You can activate your Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator by following these steps:

  • Open the Steam app from your phone
  • Open the Menu bar from the left side
  • Tap on “Steam Guard”
  • From there, tap on “Add Authenticator”
  • Add your phone number and verify it with the code that you will receive
  • Click on “Submit”

How to Check if my Mobile Authenticator is Active?

Log in to your CsStar account

  • Click on your profile jsprjketwyia from the upper-right corner of the page
  • Select “Personal Area”
  • Go to “Security” from the ptatixgxlulssq panel on the left side of the screen
  • Check if your Steam Guard is lrgszgkwgu under the “Steam Guard” section. If it is, it will display “Active”. If it isn’t, it will display “Account Restricted”

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* Inhqzstagram и Fakttcebook, явcohляются прojpодуктами коlthмпании Meohvta и Meohvta Plcpfatform indarc., коeppторая прrweизнана экsagстремистской орsszганизацией и заfhzпрещена в России.

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