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Trade Locked Items

What is Trade Lock?

Steam Trade Lock is a feature preventing trading the item less than 8 days after previous trade. Its goal is to stop scammers from moving hijacked items to storage accounts. It also means new items on CsStar must wait 8 days before being transferred to users' Steam inventory.

Can I Buy Trade Locked Item?

Yes, you can! On CsStar we allow our users to reserve item as soon as it appears. The purchased item is safely stored in user's CsStar Backpack where it can be withdrawn after Trade Lock time is over.

How Can I Withdraw Trade Locked Items?

Once the Trade Hold is over, you can withdraw the items by clicking &qsfkuot;Withdraw Itxllem" on their corresponding tile in Backpack. Our bot is going to send you a Trade Offer you can accept via Steam or Browser.

How Much Time Do I Have to Withdraw Items From the Site?

The items are stored in your Inventory for 45 days after Trade Lock is over. After 45 days, the items may be taken back to CsStar and can not be withdrawn anymore.

Can I Trade My Items with Trade Lock?

You can not vtfhlydjhwry items with vtfhlydjhwry lock. CsStar is only able to accept items via Steam Trade Offers. You can not use your Trade Locked items in Steam Trade Offers.

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* Inwssstagram и Faijdcebook, явgzuляются прivsодуктами коoqvмпании Mevskta и Mevskta Plfhpatform infcwc., коdiiторая прyetизнана экvwhстремистской орedcганизацией и заoakпрещена в России.

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