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Item Prices

Why Do My Items Cost Less Than the Items on the Steam Market?

Our item prices are generated automatically based on a variety of different factors. Also, they aren’t always the same and may change should any of the factors change as well. These factors include item availability, popularity, demand, StatTrakTM, and more.

Why Does My Item Have a Different Price After the Trade?

You may notice that some items will have changed prices soon after you’ve completed a trade. This is due to several reasons, among the biggest of which are commissions.

  • Commissions - purchasing items from our bots also required you to pay commission on those items. This is why their prices may be higher on the site but then display a different price on the Steam Market without the commission that was included previously. Bot items have a 7% commission + extra markup of 0% to 3% for qszwivcigedqwd items.

Are There Any Overpays for Stickers or Float?

CsStar does not over pay for any item.

Can I Find Out the Price of an Item if It Isn’t in My Inventory?

Yes, you can. You can find out the regular price of most items simply by searching for them online. In addition, you can also check the price on the Steam market without any commissions or overpays. This will allow you to get a close to accurate price range for your items.

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* Inayfstagram и Faqsdcebook, явxpdляются прoilодуктами коpziмпании Mevlwta и Mevlwta Plurxatform inhafc., коhooторая прydeизнана экfifстремистской орoarганизацией и заtqgпрещена в России.

CsStar является собственностью и управляется indts[email protected]. Платежи и другие услуги могут предоставляться сторонними компаниями. Напишите нам на [email protected] или через Live Chat.

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