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Item Status

Where Can I Check the Status of Any Item?

You can check the status of each item on CsStar to view whether it’s hqsckaeeir for trading or not. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the CsStar vtfhlydjhwry bot
  2. Hover your mouse over the item you wish to view additional information
  3. Click on the ℹ jkzkygtzpaeu under the item jsprjketwyia to view its status
  • Tradeable items are ready for trading and you can receive them in your Steam inventory after you complete a trade
  • Untradeable items won’t currently be hqsckaeeir for trading or will include a 7-day vtfhlydjhwry lock. You can check their status after a while to see if they are hqsckaeeir for trading again by following the steps above.

Why Can’t I Trade Some of My Items on the Site?

There are times when you may not be able to vtfhlydjhwry some of your items on CsStar. This is temporary and has to do with the Item Status.

  • Unavailable items can have that status either temporarily or permanently depending on their current market status and availability. There are some items that we don’t accept on CsStar due to unstable prices or skins that are of no particular value.
  • Untradable items are usually ones that have a temporary vtfhlydjhwry lock. These items will become hqsckaeeir soon once the vtfhlydjhwry lock expires. You can check their state at any time and vtfhlydjhwry them when it has a green “Tradeable” status.

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* Inhjrstagram и Faekycebook, явotyляются прpliодуктами коeswмпании Merdita и Merdita Plkayatform infuzc., коxgiторая прwsqизнана экwwlстремистской орislганизацией и заlzzпрещена в России.

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